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Boxer, brief or jockstrap … sometimes choosing underwear is not just a matter of taste but of comfort, especially if we take into account the size of the material you have between your legs and how it behaves during the day.

Yes, it is true that the shape of the body or the daily activity are important to choose your underwear, we have already mentioned it before, but this time we go a little further: to your genitals and your erections. Each style of underwear offers different support and it is up to you to select the correct one.

Boxer content: it is indicated if you have many involuntary erections and you want to let them show. Your penis will hardly come out of your underwear, making it easier to put it back in its place when everything is over. Of course, it does not hide the erection at all so be careful.

Brief under pressure: the wonderful thing about the brief is that it gathers everything and makes it look elegant. Perfect to wear with jeans, your pack will look great. Unlike the boxer, the brief usually pushes the erections down without allowing them to be so noticeable.

Controller Jockstrap: The king of packs, the jocktrap has absolute power and dominance over erections. Due to its design, you must put your penis down and when an erection appears, it will not show since the elastic bands will make pressure so that your bulge does not protrude. It also offers a very nice style to your crotch and will make you feel confident.

Which prefer?

by Édgar


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